2024 Sep-Azerbaijan Tue 10 Sep. Qobustan Petroglyphs +Baku Old City

I woke up way too early as I had not remembered to turn off the alarm.

Had a good breakfast and took some quick snaps from the hotel roof top balcony. 

We met up with the day guide to visit Qobustan. This is the location of the petroglyphs.

It was a simple tour to check out the museum followed by a short walk to the physical location of the petroglyphs.

This was then followed by a short drive to the mud 'volcanoes'. I thought it was going to be a real large volcano. What it was, was anticlimactic. You will see what I mean when you see the photos. These mud 'volcanoes' were surrounded by all new infrastructure just waiting to be opened up.

We then drove back to Baku to walk the Old City, this time with a guide vs my previous day of self-exploring. The two combined gave me a good full overview. Been there and done that.

Oh, the Caspian Sea is highly polluted. There are still fish but who knows what they have eaten and absorbed. Sturgeon and caviar comes from this area but I did spot other fish by the pier pylons. 

The tour group then separated to do our own thing. After trying to find a way to cross the F1 track, a horrible task indeed, I found a way at one end of the track. As I was taking a photo I ran into the day guide for Qobustan. 

She was telling me about her upcoming wedding and future plans. It was a rather funny chat as she was saying that she was not planning to have children, that she wanted to move to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and how her fiance would occasionally make fun of her for shopping for brand named luxury goods.

Her fiance wanted children, not so keen on moving to Malaysia and appeared to be the primary person that purchased shared household goods.

Quite contradictory objectives. Could I find a balance?

This was my opportunity to take the piss! So let's start.

For her marriage package (what she brings to the table):

1) She was 33yrs old and wasn't sure if she wanted children or not, leaning towards the not. I said that she had run out of time on her biological clock and should knock one out. Have her second child 2yrs afterwards was her thought after we looked at her scenario 😁

2) She would contribute more to the household, particularly once she had children. She would be a stay-at-home parent and use childcare later when she would go back to work.

3) Given her intentions for family, she would have to cut back on the luxury goods spending. She will even buy toilet paper for the house! Now that is a huge step forward. 

Now that what she brings to the table has been addressed, it was time to work on the other half. If she is providing that package he will need to look at a career and location change (short term) to Kuala Lumpur. 

So, when I finally met the future husband, I put out my hand for a shake and an embrace. I told him he should thank me as I just secured him at least two offspring and better household contributions. He only had to bring his "A" game on the KL move. She was laughing non stop as the marital conditions had been set. However, he did note that he wanted five children....I may not have negotiated well enough aftet all.

Fun was had all around.

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