2024 Oct-Turkey Wed 9. Gallipoli-Canakkale

We left the Istanbul hotel at 6:00am for a big day of transportation. 

A long drive skirting the Sea of Marmara to get to Canakkale. We went from the European to the Asian side of Turkey. Great little nautical town. 

After checking into the hotel I had a little bit of time to do a quick spin of the town by skipping the late lunch. Food can always wait for sightseeing. 

We caught the ferry to Eceabat (going from the Asian side back to European side). We were collected for our Gallipoli tour. The tour took us to the relevant/notable spots (Anzac Cove, Lone Pine and Chunuk Bair). Good to see in person the environment. 

At 5:30pm we were on our way from Kilibathir (European side) back to Canakkale (Asian side). Once I got back to the hotel it was time to shower and do more sightseeing and get some on-the-go food.

I ran into am excellent place called Sardalye. I ended up ordering two delicious and fresh fish sandwiches. I was very satisfied 😌. 

I definitely am not gelling with this older group that makes up my tour. They just seem to say stupid things and laugh at things that are not funny...

One particular person keeps on talking and never stops. They also talk useless stuff. Lucky I am independent and go off and do my own thing.

It is difficult to accept a new group when the previous group worked so well. Oh, how I miss my old group.

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