2024 Dec-India Thu 26. Jodhpur.

This morning we woke up at the Thar Desert. I barely got any sleep from the annoying Canadian Hippy Wanna-Be White Old Lady Left Wing Do-Gooder (*CHWBWOLLWDG) snoring loudly all night long. But, that is not the reason I have an issue with her. Refer below.

*The CHWBWOLLWDG think their presence on this planet will make a difference. They hug the locals and and drivers, and tip like crazy because the locals "will appreciate it" {no s**t Sherlock}. 

CHWBWOLLWDG set a poor tone for every other traveller. Because CHWBWOLLWDG lack any intelligence, they think what they are doing is good, but in fact, they are perpetuating a culture of servitude. This is why so many Indians have no issue begging. It is sad to see it in any culture (the citizens identify themselves as being "beneath" others). A society can never progress if that is how you identify yourselves...and thus, how the world sees you and will treat you.

The Indian caste system is self-imposed. But it does not help that westerners perpetuate this view though their own actions/ignorance (or based on their CHWBWOLLWDG BS views).

Well, that was the morning. 

We drove back to Jaisalmer to clean up, shower and collect our bags. We have an 7hr train ride to Jodhpur. This is a transit day. Nothing special today.

I do like Suzuki/Murati are still manufacturing the Suzuki Sierra 4x4 from the early years. They are everywhere. The military also uses them. India's automotive manufacturing is still awesome (a lot of great 4x4s). They make robust vehicles. They limit the unnecessary electronics and thus keeping the prices low for their domestic market. I cannot see EVs making a big play here due to the base electricity infrastructure.

I can understand why India buys oil from Russia. It directly reduces the cost to an already poor society. India cannot afford to be playing games with cost of living pressures. Only rich western countries can be idealogical and afford to destroy their economies. It is easier to destroy than rebuild.

I am still very surprised as to why India is not a larger international manufacturing hub. India has a plentiful and cheap labour could come down to whether the labour force is adequately skilled, motivated and cultural adaptability and workplace laws. The underlying potential is there

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