2024 Sep-Nth Macedonia Fri 20. Skopje

Another interesting day.

Discovered, via the long route, the Bit Pazar. It was right next to the Old Bazaar. The Bit Pazar was a huge market. So much fruit and vegetables. This is probably where the locals shop for groceries. Way cheaper than the supermarkets. 

Today was the basic visit of all the remaining tourist sites. Finished by 1pm.
I have one full day left to just relax even more.

I was on a diet (trying to stay on one) and have lost a little weight from Georgia. But I cannot miss out on the food experience. I just need to buy children/baby portions. 

This set of holidays I have not really taken any videos. Vidoes are good for action activity recording but photos leave something yo the imagination. One of the cons (and actually a pro in some sense) with holiday videos are that when you watch too much of it, you spoil the real experience when you get to that exact location. The pro is that you can prepare when you are visiting somewhere new.

*The clouds cleared and I could finally see some structures at the top of the mountain. It is Mt Vodno. It holds the Millennium Cross and Marko's Tower. I'll be doing that tomorrow. Lucky I had that spare 3rd day 😉.

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