2024 Sep-Nth Macedonia Mon 23. Prizren and Pristina (Kosovo)

Crossed the border into Kosovo.

The new elevated highway from the border to the capltal Pristina was very good. The elevated highway is in the middle of the mountainous valley. It provides for some excellent views. 

Kosovo doesn't appear to be a poor country. It looks like a wealthy country that has great scenery. 

Our firat stop was at Prizren. An old rown. The main feature was the castle at the top of the hill. The river through the town was also notable. It is a small place.

We had lunch in Prizren and then headed off back to the capital Pristina. It was only a quick stop but this location is probably better than Prizren. More to see.

There is huge American influence in the capital. Not surprising given that Kosovo only exists because of American support of Kosovo as an independent country.

Kosovo is a very liveable city. There is something special about the place.

Finished my last night in Skopje with a walk through a different part of the city and then back through a dark park and via the river.

Skopje we are done. Thanks for the food times.

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