Tuesday 13 October 2015

Philosophical view on life

My vascular specialist was asking me why I climb mountains (high stuff) and I said to him that to me, 'life', was not about 'living long', but living well.
I said that many people lived to say 80yrs but they have barely travelled or done much with their lives. What I have done in just 8yrs (travels and adventures) has been more than your average person...I am privileged to be in the situation I am. I am happy to die for a better quality of life (but not happy to lose parts of my body as that reduces quality -'all or nothing' mentality).
I do not compare myself to others in terms of 'quality' as this is not a competition. Only you can judge your own quality and completeness on your death-bed. But opportunities are limited. Imagine when you are 'older' and when you review your life and say...I still have many things to do, or, I forgot to do that. What if you were no longer capable of physically doing it? How would you feel about losing that opportunity? Any regrets?
Fact: We are all going to grow old and die. What will be your defining moment? Is it children? Is is adventure? Is it work? Whatever it is, make sure you don't lose your opportunity...enjoy a good quality life, don't just go through the daily grind and then find out that life has passed you by.
Quantity means nothing. Think about quality. If you get both together, even better.
If I die on a mountain, then don't be upset (maybe just a little). Know that I would be going out chasing a goal (I don't actually enjoy high altitude mountaineering that much...too much hard work)...goals aren't easy, but they are there for a reason...they are suppose to be challenging.
My vascular specialist knows his stuff, but also good for a philosophical chat.

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