Sunday 28 December 2014

Amazing training cleaning and car detailing

Seriously, I spent a good 5-6hrs cleaning the house, serviced my road bike and doing the car.  I still need to wash the house windows, do the garden, clay and polish the car.

1) Scrubbing the bathroom tiles gives a great shoulder and arm workout.  This will be good for the fixed lines in wet/snow conditions.
2) Vacuuming with strong suction is like using the ascender up fixed lines.
3) Leather conditioning car seats and hand washing the car got the whole body moving in different positions.  I'm actually sore today (lower back). 
4) Dusting ceilings with a vacuum mimics reaching up high with resistance/weight.
5) Bike servicing provided good dexterity work.

For lazy people that do no exercise, then this is the ultimate workout...and your house and car will also be clean.

If I keep doing this then I should be fit come March 2015 :-) to supplement it with a 200-250km day ride.  I'll need to find a nice cool day to do this.

1 comment:

  1. Damn, I just noticed a crack on the bicycle carbon frame. No big ride anymore :-(

    I'll just have to ride the mountain bike again :-) and get into some trail running. I'm a terribly hopeless runner so this period will be full of loathing and pain.


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